The Bridge

The Bridge is a designated specialist provision at Moulton School and Science College. It is a mainstream provision for students with an Education, Health and Care Plan which states autism as their primary need. The Bridge is a calm, nurturing and positive environment for students to access which supports their daily organisation and the teaching of life and social skills.

The Bridge opened in January 2024 when we welcomed our first students. It has quickly become a well-established and embedded part of the school community, with a busy programme of peer mentors socialising with our students during lunch and break times. The Bridge students are already integrated into aspects of school life, including mainstream lessons, break and lunch times, with an aim to build active participation in extra-curricular activities and school trips in the near future.

At Key Stage 3, lessons are mainly delivered within The Bridge by specialist ASC teachers and support staff, with access to specialist teaching areas such as the sports hall and cooking rooms, with their class teacher.  

Our aim is to integrate students within the main school community, so they can access some of their lessons within the main school, supported by trained and experienced staff. By Key Stage 4, we aim for our students to access GCSE option courses and core subjects, where appropriate, alongside students in the main school classrooms. We believe it is vital for students to achieve their full potential and importance is placed upon achievement at all levels.

The Bridge provides a range of interventions and adopts a multidisciplinary approach to meeting student needs. We have developed a holistic approach; working in partnership with parents and carers, outside agencies and other schools. The provision balances achievement for all with student well-being whilst keeping the student's best interests at the heart of what we do, and integration into mainstream lessons is led by student readiness.

Please note, places are allocated by West Northants SEND Team and not by Moulton School and Science College. Being a student at Moulton School does not automatically grant access to the Bridge. The Bridge is a separate provision to Moulton. However, we welcome visits (by appointment only) outside of the usual school day.


To contact Mrs Sacre (DSP Lead & SENDCo for The Bridge) please see below for contact details:

Telephone: 01604 641600
