Student Leadership
Student Leadership at Moulton School offers a wide range of opportunities to develop and practise leadership skills, in preparation for life beyond school. The current programme came about as result of a group of students, teachers and support staff working together to identify areas where students can enrich their school community.
As we are all too aware, competition for college, university, apprenticeships and jobs is extremely fierce. We want to give our students the chance to ‘stand out from the crowd’. By being involved in the Student Leadership Programme throughout their school life, our students have a range of experiences, through which they can develop the skills and qualities that they can use in job applications, personal statements and interviews, in addition to being better prepared for all the challenges of adult life.
Student Voice
- Students are the most important part of any school. We want to know what you think and how you would like the school to develop.
- You will get the chance to have your say and work towards improving the school through the Student Leadership Programme.
- You will get the chance to develop your skills and experience by being a part of the programme.
- There are opportunities for all, you just need to take them!
What is Student Leadership – From a student
- For me the Student Leadership gave me a purpose in our Moulton community as I could see my voice was being heard and having a positive impact and change on others, growing my pride to say I'm part of the school.
- It is one of the best things you can do to give back to the school.
- I have loved being part of the Student Leadership Team as it has helped me to become more confident in my school's community.
- Student Leadership brought me closer to those I was working with.
- I was able to learn a lot about myself and the school. I am so thankful for the opportunity and I encourage everyone to get involved.
- I am a Sports Leader and being one has been the best thing that has happened to me in this school, especially becoming a Gold Sports Leader.
Aims of our Student Leadership Structure
- Provide processes and structures for student representation and the incorporation of students’ views into decision making within the school.
- To empower students to work in partnership with staff towards shared goals.
- To enable creativity to flourish as the school community benefits from the wealth of experiences, ideas and skills the students bring.
- To provide opportunities for students to develop leadership skills through a variety of inspiring, challenging and valued projects which impact positively on teaching and learning and development for both students and staff.
- To prepare students for life after school.
Each year group has Student Year Leaders; these students are our potential Prefects. The Student Year Leaders will be involved in a range of activities, including showing visitors around the school, involvement in staff interviews, supporting on Options Evenings and Parents’ Evenings and speaking at Open Evenings. In addition, there are a variety of focus groups, for which all students can apply for example: school council, anti-bullying, transition (helping new students settle in) and helping to organise year group activities (such as the Y11 prom). There will also be other student roles such as: Peer Mentors, Peer Mediators, Sports Leaders, Talking Leaders, Subject Leaders and Librarian.