
Intent and Aims

We want all students to develop a love of Sociology, to develop their sociological imagination and with this, their ability to critically analyse the information that is presented to them. Students will explore core themes of socialisation, culture and identity, social differentiation, power and stratification across the two-year course and explore a range of contemporary issues in society such as Education, Families, Theory and Methods and Crime and Deviance. Through the study of Sociology, students appreciate the significance of sociological theory underpinning debates, and apply this to contemporary issues, supporting students in understanding the role they play in their community. This is done through considering the foundations of sociological theory functionalism, Marxism and Feminism as well as other perspectives throughout the course. Students will draw upon their existing knowledge and apply this to the inequalities they see in society. Students will be provided with opportunities through the study of sociology to broaden their experiences which will support them in being able to be successful in their study of Sociology. The capital they will acquire through the study of Sociology will support them not just in their academic study but also wider society too, making students serious contenders in any arena. The study of Sociology directly supports students' continuing social and emotional development, allowing students to develop a deeper understanding of individual differences and promote respect. Students will develop their skills in terms of oracy, increasing subject specific vocabulary and also support with their written work. Students will engage in debates in their Sociology lessons which will help them to effectively evaluate the usefulness of a range of key concepts and topics throughout the course. Sociology students will have high expectations of themselves and be motivated to be the best they can possibly be, this will include students having the confidence to make mistakes and learn from these mistakes. Students will truly engage in metacognition; they will spend time thinking about their learning and talking about this in their lessons. As a result of this, the students will be able to clearly articulate what they are learning and why and explain what their areas of strength and development are. Students engaging in this process take on real responsibility for their part in their academic success; they are active learners, not passive ones. Regular assessment opportunities will allow students to be able to do this with ease, assessment is something that will be completed frequently in lessons, with students engaging in all materials to support them in achieving their potential in the study of Sociology.

  • Enthuse students with a long-lasting enjoyment for Sociology.
  • Stimulate an interest in the social, political, economic and spiritual aspects of society.
  • Develop sociological imagination which will support them in having a critical lens. Foster a critical awareness of contemporary social processes and change.
  • Promote an understanding of how people use Sociology to solve problems so that students can use this and identify it in their everyday lives.
  • Link theoretical ideas to real world issues and applications.
  • Engage students in theoretical debate while encouraging an active involvement with the research process.
  • To develop critical and reflective thinking with a respect for social diversity.
  • Provide an awareness of the importance of social structure and social action in explaining social issues.
  • Encourage students to develop their own sociological awareness through active engagement with the contemporary social world.
  • Show and promote an understanding of sociological ideas and methods to help prepare for further study in Sociology.

Key skills

  • Students will aspire to demonstrate a conceptually detailed knowledge of sociological theory and research.
  • The ability to appropriately select relevant information to support their responses and strengthen the points they are making.
  • Students will develop the ability to effectively analyse and evaluate sociological theory, contemporary issues and sociological research as part of their study.
  • The ability to showcase their sociological knowledge, both orally and in their written work. This is done through the development of oracy in the classroom and will support students in both their ability to think more analytically and their written work too.

Key concepts

  • The ability to discuss the key themes that run throughout the course and make appropriate links to a range of topics. Also the sensitive and appropriate selection of material to support them in answering the question posed, whether this be a short response or piece of extended writing.
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