Careers Guidance (CEIAG)

Personal, Social & Health Education

PSHE is an essential part of the curriculum and helps students cope with the decisions and challenges facing them as they approach adulthood.

Our main aim is to prepare and motivate our students for the choices affecting their future education, training, career and life as a responsible member of society.

The lessons will focus on four main areas:

  • Personal well being
  • Economic well being
  • Financial capability
  • Citizenship

The lessons help students become:

  • Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve.
  • Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
  • Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.

PSHE lessons will help to develop an understanding in the following areas:

  • Personal skills and qualities needed to make the most of talents.
  • How to learn in a way that suits the student therefore improving success.
  • Developing opinions and respecting those of others.
  • Respect for the differences between people.
  • Good relationships.
  • A healthy, safe lifestyle.
  • Checking Progress, Target Setting and Action Planning to help progress in lessons and in personal life.
  • Careers Education.
  • Drugs Education.
  • Citizenship.
  • Personal and social development (eg friendships, relationships, bullying, co-operation).
  • Community and environmental issues.

All students partake in PSHE for 40 minutes each week with their Form Tutors. It is a lively and interactive subject in which students benefit from the experience and support of external agencies the school has developed links with including:

  • Prospects
  • South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership
  • School Nurse Services
  • Local colleges and training providers
  • A range of local employers
CEIAG and Enterprise

Careers education, information, advice and guidance is an essential part of every pupil's curriculum. It is an integral part of the preparation for, and motivation of, pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. Our central concern is to prepare pupils for the choices, changes and transitions affecting their future education, training, career and life as an adult member of society and to raise achievement throughout.

January 2020 - Moulton School retains the Quality in Careers Standard award provided by the Licensed Awarding Body Career Mark at Gold level.

CEIAG Entitlement
  • Careers research
  • Skills, qualities and interests
  • Careers software and research skills - Launchpad, Start and iCould
  • Options at Year 8 and transition
  • Tracking my Progress
  • Career planning
  • Labour market information
  • Stereotypes
  • What is a job?, what is a career?
  • Enterprise days - Dragon's Den, Heartbreak Hotel, Logistics Day
  • Employability skills and preparing for the work place
  • CV writing
  • Interview skills
  • Assessment centre and team building skills
  • Labour market information
  • Post 16 options
  • Careers software and research skills - HE pathways, Start and iCould
  • Tracking my Progress
  • Career planning
  • Skills, qualities and interests

Careers Education is taught as part of the PSHE curriculum but is also enhanced with a range of activities students take part in such as: Dragon's Den, Heartbreak Hotel, The World of Work day, employability skills etc.

The school links to many employers to enhance the opportunities available to students. As part of this we have worked closely with South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership as part of the Enterprise Advisers pilot bringing a wealth of employers, opportunities and information into the school.

If you are a provider of alternative education or training and would like to come and talk to our students, please click here.

Careers Leader

Mrs Savage (Leader for Life Skills) is our Careers Leader and can be contacted at

Our Year 10 and 12 students complete work experience placements every year. If you are interested in providing a work experience placement for our young people, or would like to get involved in any of our Enterprise and Employability activities throughout the year, please get in touch!

Careers Programme of Study

Careers Adviser

The school ensures that independent careers advice is provided by Jenny Lal. Ms Lal works at the school on Tuesday and Thursday each week, and appointments can be made via Tutors, Year Leaders, Deputy Year Leaders or the Leader for Life Skills. Drop in sessions are run on a Tuesday, for the Sixth Form, in the Sixth Form Library and on a Thursday lunchtime, for the rest of the school, in the main Library.
Please see the CEIAG policy for further information about content and sources of help.

Labour Market Information and Local Opportunities:

  • Click here for the latest apprenticeships information from the National Apprenticeship Service.
  • Click here for the latest Labour Market Information from SEMLEP.